Sunday, July 21, 2013

25 (ahhh make that 24) Word Story

When I checked my phone today, in the car on the way home from Mystic Aquarium, I noticed a tweet from Anne.
Hmmm. . .was I? Creative writing has never come as easily to me as other forms of writing. I fall into the "It was a dark and stormy night" category of would be authors. Did I really want thousands of strangers to bear witness to my feeble attempt at creativity? After thinking it over for the rest of the car ride, I decided to go for it. Why not? What did I really have to lose? And taking risks is what we, writing workshop people, are all about, right? So I wrote (or at least tried to write) a #25WordStory:
I know. I know. It's really a 24 word story. An embarrassing fact that I didn't noticed until after I tweeted it out to the masses.  Sigh.  I blame the aforementioned gremlin who was trying desperately to stand on the kitchen table whilst I was composing.  Still 25 words or 24, I feel pretty proud of my piece.

This is another reason I dig Twitter.  There I was just going about my day trying to keep my kids from jumping into the belgua whale tank when out of the blue I get a message from Anne seeing if I want to write a story (albeit a very short story).  Without Anne's gentle prodding and words of encouragement, I would never have written that piece, never have felt the satisfaction of creating it, sharing it.  Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are many things.  I'm not just a mom or an educator; I'm also a writer, a creator.  And I have things to say worth hearing.

Thanks for reminding me of that today Anne.  You rock!


  1. This is wonderful!!! You put yourself out there so you are my hero!!!!

  2. I just wrote my first 25 word story. Vey fun!! I'm wondering if you can help me with a couple of things: 1) how did you screen print and 2) how did you how so much room for additional #s. I wanted to add #digitink31 but I didn't have enough characters, at least I didn't think so anyway. P.S. that was a little scary, not going to lie : )

  3. Kelly! This is great, and I need you to teach us (well, me and Madonna, please!) how to take a screen shot of a Tweet and then embed it in your blog post. I'm jealous of people who can do this, and now's the time for me to learn, when I have your captive here in the SI (lol). So, let's put this on our this week's To Do list, please! Secondly, thanks for getting us going with #25wordstories. I've been participating on and off all year on Twitter; I write one when I feel like it, usually on a Friday morning. The challenge of it all--counting letters and words and shaving and crafting--is exciting to me because it really is a math/language combo. It also calms my OCD...ahhh, counting letters over and over...what could be more soothing? I hope you bring #25wordstories into the classroom. There's no reason kids can't write one per day. CAN YOU IMAGINE ENDING THE YEAR WITH 180 #25 word stories for each kid? OMG.
